Life of Apps

Classy Promises with Arrows in Scope - Quick look at some ES6 features

Having seen some code with arrow functions all over and unable to understand it, I decided to spend some time and learn the new features in ES6. I attended Udacity's ES6 course, which had lots of examples and was helpful. Apart from arrow functions, the other features that I was keen on learning were variable scoping with const and let keywords, classes and promises. Here is a quick look at what I learnt.

Arrow Functions
My requirement was only to understand how to read code written with arrow functions as there were quite a few examples using them. Suffice to say, (parameters) => { statements }.

In the code snippet below, where I am using only a single line function, there is no need to encapsulate the code with curly braces. JavaScript: Arrow Functions for Beginners is a good article that describes the arrow functions well.

const and let
The const keyword fixes the value of the variable to what is assigned during declaration. This is useful when importing (requiring) libraries as they do not change in the course of the program. In the code snippet below, variables express and app are declared with const as their values do not change in this course of the program.

When a variable is defined with let, it makes the variable local to the block in which it is defined. In the code snippet above, isError's scope is limited to inside the getCustomer promise block only.

Coming from a Java background, I wanted to see ES6 classes more out of curiosity than anything else. Not being an expert in JavaScript ES5 helped here as it was easy to relate to Java classes (I did not have to relate it prototypes etc.). In the code snippet below, I create a customer class with attributes for id, name, level and since.

Finally, promises. I learnt promises from the ES6 Udacity course that I mentioned above and also looking at this useful article on A quick summary is in order. Promises are for best suited for avoidance of "pyramid of doom" that happens when you execute code with callbacks. In promises, there are four states:
  • success: resolved/fulfilled
  • failure: rejected
  • pending
  • complete

Creating promises
In the code creating the Promise, success is notified through a resolve function call and failure is notified through a reject function call. In the getCustomer promise below, I return an error through the reject function call if the variable isError is true. I return customer records for the success criteria through the resolve function.

Calling promises
In the arrow function code where the promise is invoked, the then method notifies us if the method executed successfully or failed. It also has a chained catch method that catches the exception/error. If we set isError to true in the code and return an error, the catch method will get executed.   


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